UI campus welcomes new, unique statue in Urbana

URBANA, Ill., (WCIA) — What would you do if you were driving down the street, looked over, and saw a woolly mammoth sculpture on the truck next to ...

March 24, 2023
3:28 AM

URBANA, Ill., (WCIA) — What would you do if you were driving down the street, looked over, and saw a woolly mammoth sculpture on the truck next to you? That was real life for some on Monday when a life-size mammoth made its way through Urbana. Thousands of years ago though, you could find them walking on the U of I campus where many now walk daily. Some professors want you to know about the history and said this sculpture could help. 'We want something that both has a history of the earth context and also something that has a biological context.

Amanda Brennan